Angels 4 Autism

Unwrap the Joy of Giving this Holiday Season

There are a number of ways to get involved this holiday season with our Angels 4 Autism: holiday relief program. From shopping our Amazon Wishlist to volunteering to help wrap and deliver gifts, you can help us make a huge difference in local-area families’ lives during this stressful and expensive time of year

Angels 4 Autism 2022 Recap Video

Take a look at our amazing recap of last years Angels 4 Autism program. We were able to help bring the holiday spirit to 18 wonderful families! As you’ll see; gifts were delivered, gift cards were disbursed and spirits were lifted as the donations of so many made it possible! So, thank you! We can not wait to make it happen again this year for even more families!

Angels4Autism is a way for us to come alongside local families and help relieve the stress and financial burden of the holidays by providing gifts for the child AND entire family that lives in the home. Families can apply to be considered or can be nominated/submitted by a friend, school or trusted source. We work in collaboration with the family to ensure they receive what they need.

Amazon Wishlist 

If donating your time isn’t an option, perhaps purchasing gifts from our Amazon wishlist for the families is an easier option.

Below is the link to our Angels 4 Autism Amazon wishlist. Once you add what you would like to purchase to cart, it will be shipped directly to us here at Autism Strong. This makes it a simple, easy, and quick for you to be apart of the Angels 4 Autism program without having to physically be here!


Volunteer Sign Up

In order for Angels 4 Autism to be a success, we will need many elves to help us! We will be having many wrapping parties to get the gifts ready, we will need volunteers to help organize from wrapping all the way to delivery. We will need help getting the gifts delivered to the families on delivery day. There are many places that you can come alongside us and help make this program a huge success!

Angels 4 Autism Grant Application

Angels4Autism is a way for us to come alongside local families and help relieve the stress and financial burden of the holidays by providing gifts for the child AND entire family that lives in the home. Families can apply to be considered or can be nominated/submitted by a friend, school or trusted source. We work in collaboration with the family to ensure they receive what they need.

Applications are now closed.

Thank you to our Partners!

A HUGE Thank You to all of our partners, who without you, Angels 4 Autism wouldn’t be possible!


Charleston Sensory Friendly Photos with Santa Registration

Please click below to fill out the form and select your time slot for your photo session with Santa!


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